Monday, May 12, 2008

My pee pee is big

It started about three months ago. While I was trying o sing him to sleep my son would get up and look kind of panicked and pace on the bed and clutch his crotch and grunt. And I'd be thinking, for the love of crispies, just settle down Rover and let me sing you to sleep.  I would ask him what's wrong and he would just whine, I don't know! This went on for several days until finally he cried out, Mommy my pee pee is big!

I had a peek and indeed it was bigger than usual. In fact it was erect. So I told him to kneel down and wiggle his butt in the air. I don't know. It was the only thing that came to me. Like child's pose but with a little wiggle. Then I told him to go pee. That helped. 

Several months before then I remembered that when I would wake him up at around midnight to zombie-walk over to the toilet and pee (so he wouldn't pee in his bed) he would have an erection. The first time I didn't notice and he peed straight ahead and hit the toilet seat cover and it splattered everywhere. When it happened the next time I was prepared and pointed it down toward the bowl. It used to totally freak him out. I can see why. I mean, suddenly a part of you grows twice it's normal size? I mean what if your left arm was suddenly down to your ankle? That would for sure be super freaky (it's my blog, I can split infinitives). 

I mentioned it to my husband and he was like, yah, that happens. I'm trying to be as nonchalant about it with my son so he doesn't get some weird hang up about his penis. I think it's working. Tonight he just stood up and unzipped his pajamas and said, my pee pee is getting big again. I better look at it. Yup, it's big. Then  he got into child's pose and did the wiggle. Worked like a charm.

This is apparently all very normal according to the world wide web. I googled "toddler erection" and a wealth of information emerged. If anyone would have told me five years ago that I'd be googling "toddler erection" I'd have scoffed. Anyway, for those of you who are googling "toddler erection" and seeing this post, your kid is normal. Go back to checking your email.


  1. Yes, I DID just google toddler erection, and that IS how I found your post. Mine is not even 2 yet, though. i am still freaking out - just a little bit, but trying to be nonchalant.

  2. That is too funny. I mean, did ANYONE ever tell you that this was part of raising a boy? There really should be a manual. I'm glad you found me. Solidarity sister.

  3. Going back to checking my email now...thanks.

  4. God, thank you. I jumped into motherhood 7 months ago by becoming a foster mom, and there has been plenty to handle without worrying about the my three year old's middle of the night (and other times) erections. I really had no clue that they occurred so early. Thanks for the insight.

  5. LMAO! I nervously googled it, worried that a swarm would descend on me, thinking I was looking for kiddie porn. My boy has had erections since he was really little and it freaks ME out more than him. He thinks its funny and waves and says, "Bye, bye pee pee" when I put a new diaper on. This cracks me up. But I was wondering if this truly was normal. Guess so... Thanks!

  6. So funny - everyone's reaction is so similar. My 26 month old will touch his crotch and whine boo boo! The first few times my hubby would say, do you think he's okay - do you think he has an infection? Finally I pulled down his pants and diaper only to discover the other! The poor little guy - it must feel odd, so I try to distract him as best as possible.

  7. Is it normal for them to do it a lot, and seemingly, on purpose? I can't keep my 26-month-old's hands from his pants- he keeps stripping down in order to see it. I can't tell if it's getting big on its own or if he is manually doing it. (Seems it is usually already big when he takes his pants off, maybe because he is uncomfortable?) I'm at a loss!

  8. it's totally normal. it gets big on it's own. it's not sexual. he's probably just wondering what's going on. like when something on you hurts or feels funny, you usually go to touch it or rub it (arm, leg, whatever...) Now that my son is five he knows to go somewhere private if he wants to enjoy himself but we try to keep it all low key...

  9. thanks for your blog. Answered my questions with quite a few laughs:) Who knew??!!

    Anyway, noticed you were an etsy too. Kidkovers.

  10. LM_O. I googled "toddler erection" this is to funny. My son is 2yrs 9mths and is constantly playing with his penis, and even when he is not playing with it, like when he is asleep, he gets erections. I must say, I was a bit concerned, but after reading this blog I can hardly stop from laughing...

    Thanks lots... u made my day...

  11. I love that people are finding this post two years after the fact and it's still so relevant...thanks for writing!!

  12. I just goggle toddler erection very nervous about the results (because it sounded horrible) but now I`m so happy I found your blog!!

  13. I too have just googled toddler erection and found your blog to be the first link! So grateful for you blog. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us fellow Moms. I was so shocked when my husband told me our 3 year old started having erections. "My wee wee is getting tall" was our son's exact word. I feel much better now knowing it is normal. Thanks!

  14. I googled it because my soon to be 3 yr old son had been getting them since 2 and will literally get them about 10 times a day and it weirds me out. He starts to grab it and then tug on it like it's going to go away quicker if he touches it. I don't want him to start doing this in public! YIKES! I'm curious to know when this behavior turns from normal to out of control cause I didn't sign up for watching my son play with his dingy! LOL! Guess I should appreciate his perfect blood flow! BTW, love your blogs!

  15. Same here as all the other moms. Google is so informative sometimes. Glad the best link was first. My soon to be 3 year old doesn't notice tho. He just pulls at it when on the potty

  16. Ahhh I'm am relieved I'm not alone. My 3 year old freaks out everytime this happens and insists on showing off "his big penis" (a phrase I gather he got from his dad) lol! This has been happening to him since he was a few months old but he has just recently become aware of it. I never freaked out about it figuring he was a boy and that happens. It wasn't until I made the mistake of bringing it up to my mother and sister, who each have raised a son. They never experienced this so of course its not normal. So I thank you for this information so I can put their minds (and mine) to ease :)

  17. Lol, I too found your post when I googled "toddler erection" and you are right I never thought I wld google that! Thanks for the insight!

  18. My sentiments are the exact same thing as the other moms! My 3 year old has been having erections since he was about 1. At two it seemed to bother him; but now, at 3 he blurts out, "Mommmmmm, look! My pee pee!" I tell him it's fine, and he's normal and he goes on about his day. Thank you for this! And your closing line, was everything! I shall go read my emails!

  19. I baby sit my 3 year old cousin a lot and this helP's so much thanks!

  20. I'm so glad to have come across this post... I was completely caught off guard a few moments ago when my son said "mommy, there's a bone in my [pee-pee]." So did not expect that from my 3-year old!
