Monday, November 1, 2010

Double take


Homemade lion costume: $22.50
Old Navy butterfly costume: $10.00
Realizing I dressed them exactly the same three Halloweens ago: Priceless.

Happy November!



  1. damn susie. those are some cute kids! did you get any adult trick or treaters? we did!

  2. They were adorable three years ago and they are just as beautiful today. Love those costumes, and glad you made it easy for yourself. And the kids are happy?!

  3. So cute. And funny funny about the repeat.

  4. your son made shalev's suit, once again. But I had to go to four stores to find a brown sweatsuit. Brown is not "in" this year.

  5. aimee - we always get adults trick or treating on behalf of their infants in strollers. spare me. just go to the 7-11 on the corner for your candy fix.

  6. That is fantastic Susie- I love it. What will they be next year? Hahahaha!

  7. Adorable! I'm all for repeating costumes. I don't think we have to worry unless they're repeating grades, repeating swear words, etc.

    And BTW - does Old Navy rock or what? I got our cheeseburger's costume there for $4 the day before Halloween (which had me feeling like a crap mom but an awesome shopper).

  8. A ha ha! This year's costumes are cuter. Luckily the kids stayed just as cute as they were back then.
    that lion costume is cool!
