Sunday, January 10, 2010


Room with a View

That's what we thought when we bought our house six years ago. Just get in this crazy San Francisco Bay Area market. It will go up. You'll triple your money. Who cares if you're leveraged up the wazoo. You'll just mortgage your wazoo. So we bought our little birdhouse and it was great. And we could afford it since we paid NO INTEREST. And we were just the two of us so it felt kind of spacious even though I was the size of a whale pregnant with my son. In fact, we loved our little house. We still love it. But now that we're four and not two, it's a little tight. And even though there's a giant park across the street, it's not like we can just send our two small kids over there to play by themselves. It's not the seventies after all. Plus, we need a second bathroom. It's time. My kid's are starting to ask questions when "Aunt Flow" comes to visit. What's that mommy? A diaper? I can't deal.

Not to mention needing a proper studio. I need space! I don't want to put away my art supplies all the time. I don't want to only use one kind of art supply because there's no room for any more. Feeling kind of stifled artistically. CONFINED.


  1. i know, it's a toughie. we struggle with the space thing too. old house, tiny closets, doubled up in bedrooms. but i've found that the bigger the house, the more crap we accumulate, and then i feel confined by that too. out of all our houses i like the shrinky dink one the most!

  2. true true. and it cleans up lickity split. I think I want to move mostly to have a big purge fest.

  3. Thanks for your comment on my blog!

    Your picture is sooo cute. This little birdhouse.. :)

  4. har har har. I love you.

    I can't deal. Oh yeah, I hear you.


  5. This is really sweet-- great concept! At least she has a plan!

  6. I know, tiny house here too. Then I wonder, why does it take me so flippin long to clean?

  7. did you just describe my house? yes, you did. One bathroom was fine when they were babes. but now it's just too small, and our bathroom is just too...public. I can relate, sister.

  8. Hey Susie
    I know I am reading backwards and scatterdly hence the delayed response but let me tell you this, about our own aunt (flow)---- when Aya was three, she was found in the school very public toilet wearing one of my panty liners. And this is why our kindergarden applications miraclously resemble yours but has the additional sentance about independant problem solving. your blog is wonderful. and I am looking forward for the moment my very pregnant friends will finaly deliver so I can come and shop. Miri Lavi-Neeman

  9. Miri! Shirli told me that story and I still laugh about it. Love that Aya. The quirky shall inherit the earth!
