Monday, August 23, 2010

Crossing the bridge

Golden Gate

Yesterday you rode your two-wheeler
across the Golden Gate Bridge and back.
Today you started kindergarten.
I'll tell you one thing's for sure.
She's not the only one who admires your courage.


  1. Gorgeous :)
    Hope he enjoys kindergarten.

  2. look at the admiration in her eyes! beautiful picture!

  3. Can't we just turn back the hands of time a year or two? it's all too much for me.

    Yesterday he couldn't talk to me:
    ME: blah blah blah school blah friends blah blah recess...
    HE: grandma, how about if we talk later? The reception isn't very good where you are. I'll call you later when the reception is better.
    (Kick me over on me porch seat holding me cane as me false teeth fall out!!!!) Slow down the process!!!!!

  4. this is a great capture! here´s to a great year! :)

  5. they are BEAUTIFUL!
    super special kindergarten time.

  6. Oh my, it's all happening so fast...

    That picture is so freakin adorable. Bust that out in about 8years from now when they are at each other's throats.

  7. Excuse me, is he wearing a shark costume?

  8. why yes Rookie Mom! The very one that I believe you featured on your blog! By the ETSY seller! Best $15 I ever spent.
